Doubling Time Calculator

Calculator for the doubling time given the growth rate per period

Doubling Time Calculator

This function calculate the time or periods it takes for an amount to double in value given the growth rate per period.

Alternatively, the growth rate per period required to double the value in the specified time can be calculated.

Doubling Time Calculator

 What should be calculated?
Increase % per period
Doubling time periods
Decimal places
Doubling time periods
Increase % per period

Doubling Time Formulas

\(t\) = doubling time (periods)
\(g\) = growth rate % per period (Increase)

\(\displaystyle t = \frac{log(2)}{log(1+\frac{g}{100})}\)

\(\displaystyle g=(e^{\left(\frac{ log(2)}{t}\right)}-1)\cdot 100\)

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