Percent Value Calculation

Calculation of a final value from a base value

Percent value calculator

This function calculates a final value from a base value with a specified percentage

To calculate, enter the percentage and the base value. Then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Percent value calculator

How much is %
from the base value ?
Decimal places
Final value

Formula for percent value

\(P\) = percentage
\(B\) = base value
\(V\) = percent valuet

\(\displaystyle V=\frac{B\cdot P}{100} \)


The percentage value \(V\) is sought for a percentage with \(P = 3\) and a base value of \(B = 1000\)

\(\displaystyle V=\frac{B·P}{100}=\frac{1000 · 3}{100}=30\)

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