Percentage Increase Calculator

Calculator and formula for the percentage increase

Percentage Increase Calculation

This function calculates the increase to a base value as a percentage or as an absolute value, depending on the given arguments.

To perform the calculation, enter the base value and the target value. Then click on the 'Calculate' button

Percentage Increase Calculator

Base value
Decimal places

Percentage Increase Formula

\(F\) = Finale value
\(B\) = Base value
\(P\) = Percentage

Percentage of the Increment

\(\displaystyle P=\frac{F-B}{|B|}\cdot 100\)

Note that the base value in the denominator is given as an absolute value, i.e. always positive.

Final value

\(\displaystyle F=\frac{P\cdot |B|}{100}+ B\)

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