Donut Chart Maker

Create donut charts online

Make a donut chart

On this page you can create donut charts.

Input format

The data can be entered as a series of numbers, separated by semicolons or spaces. The entry as a list (one value per line) is particularly suitable when data from files, e.g. columns of an Excel file, are entered by copying and pasting.

The texts of the category must always be entered as a list (one category per line)

Chart configurator

Category Offset Color
Series 1 #3366C9
Series 2
Series 3
Series 4
Series 5
Series 6
Series 7
Series 8
Series 9
Series 10
Series 11
Series 12
Series 13
Series 14
Series 15
Series 16
Font Color
Label display
Rotation °
Any slices smaller than this threshold will be combined into a single "Other" slice, and will have the combined value of all slices below the threshold.
Distance of the chart to the border
Left Right
Top Bottom
Font Color
Decimal places



Diagramm mit Legende als 'Label'

Kreisdiagramm mit offset

Diagramm mit verschiedenen Offset

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