DTimef Function
DTimef converts an integer in time and date
DTimef - Calculating with times
With the functions with DTime and DTimef can be used to calculate times or time differences in RedCrab.
The DTimef function converts a list of dates and times from an integer representing a point in time. As a result, a list is delivered in the following format [year, month, day, hour, minute, second].
As a interger number, the times can be added or subtracted. The calculated sum is then converted back into a date and time format with DTimef .
Determine current time
Calling DTimef with the 0 argument returns a list of the current date and time.
Parameters in RedCrab
The argument is an integer representing a point in time.
The result is delivered in a data field whose 6 cells contain the values in the order given above
Values in the result
- 1 <= year <= 9999
- 1 <= month <= 12
- 1 <= day <= 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 depending on the month
- 0 <= hour <= 23
- 0 <= minute <= 59
- 0 <= second <= 59
DTimef (List)
d = DTime([Y,M,D,h,m,s]) = 490136170778241
DTimef (d) = 2012 4 12 14 27 18