RedCrab Calculator
Math Software with fullscreen editor
RedCrab Features
RedCrab Calculator is a mathematics software with fullscreen editor for the free placement of algebraic formulas on the worksheet in mathematical notation.
Results can be displayed in different numeric formats and in diagrams. Images and texts can be inserted.
RedCrab worksheets are also suitable for presentations.
RedCrab Calculator is Freeware.

RedCrab is portable

System requirement
Version 8.x
(Framework 4.0 or higher.)Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, W7, W8.x, W10
Version V4.13
RedCrab bis Version 4.13 runs with operating system Linux with Wine runtime V 4.13
Online User Manual

The RedCrab Calculator User's Guide can be found here.
It contains descriptions for handling and more than 250 math functions.
The online help for the individual functions can be called up directly from the program with a mouse click or with the F1 key