Percent of Time
Calculator for the percentage of a period of time period
This function calculates the percentage of a period of time. For the calculation, you can specify the time span in days, hours, minutes and seconds, or in individual time units, e.g. B. 120 hours.
Formulas for calculating time
Convert period to seconds
\(\displaystyle t_{sec} = Sec + Min× 60 + hours × 3600 + days ×86400 \)
Calculate percentage
\(\displaystyle P_{t[sec]} = \frac{t_{sec} × P}{100} \)
Example: 40% of 2 days, 8 hours and 30 minutes
\(\displaystyle t_{PW} = \frac{(2×86400) +(8×3600)+(30× 60) × 40}{100} \)
\(\displaystyle \;\;\;\; = \frac{172800+28800+ 1800× 40}{100}=81360 \;Sec \)