XOrBitX Function

Bitwise exclusive OR operation of two integer numbers


The function OrBit performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation of two natural numbers or lists. XOrBit is different from XOrBitX in the handling of lists.


XOrBitX (a, b)

XOrBitX (a, Liste)

XOrBitX (Liste, Liste)


XOrBitX(12,7)= 11

If one argument is a list and the other is a natural number, each element in the list is exclusive OR operated with the number.

XOrBitX([9,10,11,12,13,14,15],24)= 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

If both arguments are lists, each element of the first list is exclusive OR operated to the corresponding element of the second list. The result it a table.

XOrBitX([8,9,10],[7,8,9])= 15 0 1
14 1 0
13 2 3

The lists may have different lengths.

Bitset Funktionen

AndBit Bitwise AND
AndBitX Bitwise AND of lists to tables
Embed Check if a bit is set
Excl Clears a bit
Incl Set a bit
Not Bitwise negation
OrBit Bitwise OR
OrBitX Bitwise OR of lists to tables
Shl Moves bits to the left
Shr Moves bits to the right
XorBit Bitwise exclusive OR
XorBitX Bitwise exclusive OR of lists