Grad Function

Calculates the gradient (slope) of a straight line


The function \(Grad\) calculates the gradient (slope) of a straight line between two points in the coordinate system. The end points of the lines are defined with their X / Y coordinates or two objects of the class Point.


Grad (x1, y1, x2, y2)

Grad (Point(x,y), Point(x,y))


Grad(Point(1,1),Point(2,5))= 4

Use of class Point

By using the \(Point \) objects, the distance can also be calculated with arguments other than \(x / y \). The class \(Point \) contains its own methods for calculating the properties.

Suppose only the x-coordinates are known. \(y \) is unknown, but the angles from the 0 point can be determined. In this case, the x-coordinate and the angle can be used as the point. An example of this can be found in the description of the Funbktion Distance.

Geometry Functions

named list of cone parameters
distance between two points
slope of a straight line
position on the line of two points
named list of Pyramid parameters
Manhattan distance of two points