Voltage divider

Online calculator for calculating the values on an unloaded voltage divider

On this page you can calculate the voltages and resistances of a voltage divider. To calculate it, two voltages and one resistance or two resistances and one voltage must be known.

To calculate, enter three values in one of the following combinations:

  • 2 voltage values and 1 resistance value
  • 1 voltage value and 2 resistance values

Unloaded voltage divider calculator

 Enter 1 or 2 voltages
Total voltage
Voltage U1
Voltage U2
 Enter 1 or 2 resistors
Total resistance
Resistor R1
Resistor R2
Decimal places
Total voltage
Voltage U1
Voltage U2
Total resistance
Resistor R1
Resistor R2
voltage devider

Voltage divider formulas

The voltage divider is a series circuit of resistors that divide an electrical voltage. The ratio of the partial voltages corresponds to the ratio of the resistances. So for the calculation of the partial voltage \(\displaystyle U_2\) at \(\displaystyle R_2\) can be calculated:

\(\displaystyle U_2=\frac{U_{ges}} {R_{ges}} · R_2\)

Alternatively, the partial voltage \(\displaystyle U_2\) at \(\displaystyle R_2\) can be calculated using the current \(\displaystyle I\). To do this, the total resistance is first calculated as follows:

\(\displaystyle R_{ges}=R_1+R_2 \)

Assuming the total voltage is known, the current \(\displaystyle I \) can be determined according to Ohm's law:

\(\displaystyle I=\frac{U_{ges}} {R_{ges}}\)

The partial voltage at \(\displaystyle \small R_2\) can be calculated:

\(\displaystyle U_2=R_2 · I\)

Resistor \(\displaystyle \small R_1\)

\(\displaystyle R_1=\frac{U_1 · R_2}{U_2}\,=\,\frac{U_1 · R_2}{U_G-U_1}\)

Resistor \(\displaystyle \small R_2\)

\(\displaystyle R_2=\frac{U_2 · R_1}{U_1}\,=\,\frac{R_1 (U_G-U_1)}{U_1}\)

Circuits with resistors

Total resistance of a resistor in parallel
Parallel- total resistance of 2 resistors
Series resistance for a voltmeter
Parallel resistance for an ampere meter
Voltage divider
Loaded voltage divider
Pi Attenuator
T Attenuator

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