Complex Function
Creates a complex number
The Function \(Complex\) creates a complex number from two real numbers.
A complex number is defined as \(z = a + bi \).
\(a \) and \(b \) are real numbers and \(i \) stands for the imaginary unit.
Another notation for complex numbers is the pair notation: The real and imaginary parts are written as a pair of numbers: \(z = (Re, Im) \)
Compex (a, b)
Complex(3,2)= 3+2i
Complex Functions
Arg | Angle of a complex number |
Complex | Create complex from two real |
Conjugate | Get the conjugate values |
FromPolar | Complex number from polar |
Im | Gets the imaginary component |
Imag | Creates a imaginary number |
Magnitude | Gets the magnitude |
Plot | Plot of complex numbers |
Re | Gets the real component |