Worth Knowing for PC Sounds

Introduction and what you should know about the RedCrab sound software and sound adapters

To get the best quality, turn off any software for sound improving (equalizer, etc.). In test with various onboard sound adapter, the generated sine curves had a very good quality in the range of 1 Hz up to 20 kHz.

When tested with various onboard audio adapters of different computers and external USB adapters, most adapters produce good tone burst up to the high frequency range. Rectangle signals tend to overshoot and deformation from the middle frequency range. Only one desktop computer from a well-known manufacturer of latest production (2017) produce tone burst with strong overshoots and rectangles of poor quality.

This information applies not only for RedCrab SonoG, but for generator software in general. By using the DirectX interface, RedCrab SonoG delivers the best possible sound quality.