List of Units of measurement
List of integrated units of measurement in RedCrab Calculator
Group Dimensions |
Length |
µm | Mikrometre | 0.000001 | |
mm | Millimetre | 0.001 | |
cm | Centimetre | 0.01 | |
m | Metre | 1 | |
km | Kilometre | 1000 | |
mil | Thou | 0.0000254 | |
in | Inches | 0.0254 | |
ft | Feet | 0.3048 | |
yd | Yards | 0.9144 | |
ftm | Fathom | 1.8288 | |
mi | Miles | 1609.344 | |
nmi | Nautical miles | 1852 | |
au | Astronomical unit | 149598550000 | |
Area |
ac | Acres | 4046.8564224 | |
ha | Hectares | 10000 | |
Volume |
L | Litre | 0.001 | |
Impgal | ImperialGallon | 0.00454609 | |
USliqgal | USLiquidGallon | 0.003785411784 | |
USdrygal | USDryGallon | 0.00440488377086 | |
Group Weight |
mg | Milli Gram | 0.001 | |
g | Gram | 1 | |
kg | Kilogram | 1000 | |
t | Tonne | 1000000 | |
kt | Kilotonne | 1000000000 | |
Mt | Megatonne | 1000000000000 | |
Gt | Gigatonne | 1000000000000000 | |
oz | Ounces | 28.349523 | |
lb | Pound | 453.59237 | |
tnsh | Short tonne | 907184.74 | |
tnlts | Long tonne | 1016046.909 | |
Group Temperature |
K | Kelvin | -273.1 | |
Group Pressure |
Bar | Bar | 100000 | |
Pa | Pascal | 1 | |
kPa | Kilopascal | 1000 | |
mmHg | Millimeter of Mercury | 133.322387415 | |
atm | Atmospheres | 101325 | |
psi | Pound Per Square Inch | 6894.757 | |
Group Energie |
J | Joules | 1 | |
kJ | Kilojoules | 1000 | |
cal | Calories | 4.1868 | |
kcal | Kilocalories | 4186.8 | |
BTU | British Thermal Unit | 1055.056 | |
eV | Electron Volts | 1.60217653 • 10-19 | |
Group Power |
W | Watt | 1 | |
kW | Kilowatt | 1000 | |
hp | Horse Power | 745.699872 | |
PS | Pferde Staerke | 735.49875 | |
Group Time |
ps | Picosecond | 0.000000000001 | |
ns | Nanosecond | 0.000000001 | |
µs | Microsecond | 0.000001< | |
ms | Millisecond | 0.001 | |
s | Second | 1 | |
min | Minutes | 60 | |
h | Hour | 3600 | |
d | Day | 86400 | |
Groupe Force |
N | Newton | 1 | |
lbf | Pound Force | 4.4482216152606 | |