All divisors of an integer
Calculator for calculating all divisors of an integer
This function calculates the set of divisors of an integer and the number of divisors. The divisor set of a number is the set of all numbers by which this number is divisible without a remainder.
To perform the calculation, enter the integer whose divisors are to be calculated, then click on the 'Calculate' button.
Description of the divisor of a number
The divisors of a number are all numbers by which this number can be divided without a remainder. Every number can be divided at least by itself and 1. A number that is greater than 1 and can only be divided by itself and by 1 without a remainder is called a prime number. Any other number that can be divided by more than two numbers is called a composite number.
The divisor of a number is the number of numbers by which a number is divisible without a remainder. Every natural number has at least two divisors, itself and one.