Consecutive Integers Calculator
Calculator for calculating consecutive integers for a sum
This function looks for a series of consecutive integers that add up to a specific sum.
To calculate, enter the sum and the number of consecutive numbers to be calculated. If no consecutive digits are found for the specified sum, an error message is issued and the decimal calculated as the first digit is displayed.
Formula for calculating the first number in the sequence of numbers
\(\displaystyle x=\frac{S-\frac{n×(n-1)}{2}}{n}\)
\(S=\) Sum
\(n=\) Number of numbers searched for
Absolute Change
All divisors of an integer
Binomial formulas
Common divisors of two integers
Consecutive integers
Cross multiplication
Diamond problem
Digit sum
Digital root
Direct variation
Division with remainder
Elementary arithmetic
FOIL Method
Inverse cross multiplication
Inverse modulo
Greatest common divisor
Least common multiple
Multiplicative inverse
Relative Change