Percentage Decrease Calculator

Online calculator and formula for calculating a percentage decrease

This function calculates the decrease of a base value in percent and as an absolute value.

To perform the calculation, enter the base value and the future value. Then click on the 'Calculate' button

Percentage decrease

Base value
Future value
Decimal places
Calculated decrease

Formula for the percentage decrease

The percentage decrease formula calculates the percentage reduction of a value from its initial value to a final value. It is used to evaluate the relative change of a quantity and is expressed as a percentage. This formula provides a standardized method for assessing the extent of negative changes, such as sales or decline in profits.

\(F\) = Final value
\(B\) = Base value
\(P\) = Percentage

Decrease percentage

\(\displaystyle P=\frac{F-B}{|B|}\cdot(-100)\)

Please note that the base value in the denominator is given as an absolute value, i.e. always positive.

Final value

\(\displaystyle F=\frac{P\cdot |B|}{-100}+ B\)

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