Percentage Difference Calculator

Online calculator to calculate the percentage difference

The calculator on this page calculates the percentage difference between two initial values.

To perform the calculation, enter the two values. Then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Percentage Difference Calculator

Value a
Value b
Decimal places
Percentage difference

Definition of the percentage difference

The calculator calculates the percentage difference between two numbers. The percentage difference is used to compare two numbers, both of which describe the same thing. For example, the sales of a company for two years.

The percentage difference should not be confused with the percentage change. The percentage change is used when comparing an old value with a new value. When calculating the percentage change, one of the values is always used as the reference point. The percentage difference, on the other hand, is used when the two numbers are considered equivalent and it is not possible to choose a reference number. Instead, the average of the two numbers is used as the reference point for the calculation.

Formula for percentage difference

\(\displaystyle p = \frac{|a-b|}{(a+b)/2}\cdot 100\)

More Percent Functions

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