Percentage Calculator

Calculation of the percentage from the ratio of a percentage value to the base value

This function calculates the percentage from the specified base value and the percentage value.

To calculate, enter the percentage value and the base value. Then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Percentage calculator

percentage value
Basic value
Decimal places

Percentage formula

\(B\) = base value
\(V\) = Percent value
\(P\) = Percentage
\(\displaystyle P=\frac{V·100}{B}\)

Example 1

\(\displaystyle P=\frac{V·100}{B} = \frac{20\cdot 100}{150}=13.33\%\)

Example 2

By how many percent must a base value of 850 increase to reach the percentage value of \(1000\).

\(\displaystyle P=\frac{V·100}{B}=\frac{1000·100}{850}=117.65\)

The percentage value of \(1000\) is \(117.65 \%\) of the base value \(850\). A surcharge of \(117.65 - 100 = 17.65\%\) is required to reach the value of \(1000\).

Percent Calculation

More information on percentage calculation can be found here

More Percent Functions

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