Class Donut
Calculation of the properties of circular rings
The Donut class calculates properties of an annulus.
The following properties can be queried as a result or passed as an argument.
Diameter and Radius d Outside diameter r Outside radius di Inside diameter ri Inside radius k Width of the circular ring Areas A Total area of the outer circle Ai Area of the hole in the circular ring Ad Area of the donut Perimeter P Outside perimeter Pi Inside perimeter Donut Segment α Segment angle As Segment area Ps Segment perimeter
Object = Donut ("arg names", arguments)
Value = Donut ("get -> arg names", arguments)
The following example specifies an outer radius of 8 and an inner radius of 6.
In the following example, the angle \(α \) is additionally given to calculate a segment of the annulus.
The following example displays the area of the annulus \(Ad \) of the object \(a \).
In the following example, the area of the annulus \(Ad \) is calculated from the outer radius \(r \) and the inner radius \(ri \).