Equilateral Triangle online calculator
Online calculator and formulas for calculating an equilateral triangle
This function calculates the side length, height, perimeter and area of an equilateral triangle. Enter one parameters for the calculation. The result shows the values of all four properties.
Properties of an equilateral triangles
All sides are the same length
All angles in are the same size. Each angle is 60 °.
The medians, heights, and bisectors all intersect at the center of the triangle.
Formulas for equilateral triangles
Area (A)
\(\displaystyle A = \frac{ a^2 · \sqrt{3}}{4} \)
Perimeter (P)
\(\displaystyle P = a · 3 \)
Height (h)
\(\displaystyle h = \frac{ a · \sqrt{3}}{2} \)
Side length (a)
\(\displaystyle a = \frac{ h · 2}{ \sqrt{3}} \) \(\displaystyle = \sqrt{ \frac{ A · 4}{ \sqrt{3}} } \)
Bisector of a triangle
Equilateral triangle
Right triangles
Right triangle, given 1 side and 1 angle
Isosceles right triangles
Isosceles triangles
Triangle area, given 2 sides and 1 anglee
Triangle area, given 1 side and 2 angles
Triangle, Incircle, given 3 sides
Area of a triangle given base and height
Triangle vertices, 3 x/y points