Diag Function
Generate a matrix with initialized diagonal
The Function \(Diag\) generates a matrix of the specified size whose first diagonal is initialized with a real value.
If only one parameter is specified for the size of the matrix, the fields of the first diagonal are initialized with 1. Optionally, a value can be specified, which is to be used.
When a list is passed as a parameter, \ (Diag \) generates a matrix whose number of columns and rows equals the length of the list. The diagonal is initialized with the values in the list.
Diag (a)
Diag (a, v)
Diag (a, b, v)
Diag ([a..n])
a x a
a x a
a x b
len x len
The fields of the first diagonal contain a 1
The fields of the first diagonal contain the value v
The fields of the first diagonal contain the value v
The fields of the first diagonal contain the value of the argument