Sec Function
Returns the secant of the argument
The Function \(Sec\) returns the secant of real or complex numbers. The argument can be a single number or a data field. For data fields, the secant of each element is calculated and the results returned in a data field of equal size.
Sec for real numbers
The angle is given in degrees (> -180° ... < 180°) or radians (> -p ... < p). The unit of measurement is set in the toolbar with the DEG or RAD buttons. The Setting applies to the entire worksheet.
Sec returns a value between -infinite to 1 or 1 to infinite.
Optional Parameter
Optionally, a second parameter with the keywords DEG or RAD can be specified to set the unit of measure for this function call. The specification of the parameter has priority over the global setting in the toolbar. For different functions, you can use different units of measurement regardless of the default setting in the toolbar.
Sec (x)
Sec (x, rad)
Sec (x, deg)
Sec for complex numbers
For complex numbers, the argument and the result is always given as radian, regardless of the default setting in the toolbar. The result is also a complex number.
Sec(x + i)