Angle measure converter

Conversion of decimal degrees into degrees, minutes and seconds

This calculator can be used to convert various decimal units of measurement for angles into degrees, minutes and seconds. Select the unit of measurement that you know and enter its value. Then click on 'Calculate'.

Winkel Rechner
 Enter the unit of measure and the angle
Degree  °
Arc minutes  '
Arc seconds  "

Formulas for angle conversion

\(\displaystyle 1 \space degree = 60\space arcminutes =3600\space arcseconds \)
\(\displaystyle degree = radians \frac{180}{π} = gradient\frac{90}{100} \)
\(\displaystyle radians = degree\frac{π}{180} = gradient\frac{π}{200} \)
\(\displaystyle mil = Grad \frac{3200}{180} = gradient ·16 \)

Example decimal to degrees conversion

\(\displaystyle deg_{dec} = 45.515 \)
\(\displaystyle deg = int(deg_{dec}) \)
\(\displaystyle = int(45.515)= 45 \)

\(\displaystyle min_{dec} = (deg_{dec} - deg) ·60 \)
\(\displaystyle = (45.515 -45)·60= 30.9 \)

\(\displaystyle min=int(min_{dec})\)
\(\displaystyle = int(30.9) = 30 \)

\(\displaystyle sec = (min_{dec} - min) · 60\)
\(\displaystyle = (30.9-30)·60= 54 \)

Result = 45°   30'   54''

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