GetRect function
Returns the section of a table
The GetRect function returns the specified section from a table.
GetRect (table, ri, rn, ci, cn)
- table - Table to be copied
- ri - Index to the first line to be copied
- rn - Number of lines to be copied
- ci - Index to the first column to be copied
- cn - Number of columns to be copied
Data field based functions
ClrRect | Deletes a rectangular area |
Clip | Limits values of a data field |
Count | Returns number of elements |
Diff | Difference values of elements |
Dim | Number of dimensions of tables |
Flat | Joins rows of a table |
GetAt | Value of a specified position |
GetRect | Returns the specified area |
Insert | Inserts new elements |
Join | Join fields together |
New | Generates a new list |
Pick | Get selected items from a list |
Remove | Removes items from a list |
Reverse | Inverts the order in a list |
Scale | Converts values to a new scale |
SetAt | Sets a value at a position |
Split | Splits a list into sublists |
Sum | Returns the sum of all elements |
Text | Generates a text list |
Trim | Removes invalid values |