Trim function

Removes invalid values ​​from a list or table


The Trim function removes invalid elements or elements that do not contain a value from a list or table. The function can be used, for example, if a column is to be calculated from an imported Excel table in which texts (headings, comments) are also included.

Invalid elements

Text strings containing a calculable value are converted into a number. If the transformation fails, it will be removed from the list. In addition, the values ​​are removed infinitely and undefined as invalid.


For tables, an additional parameter can be used to set how the invalid elements should be handled.

  • A zero specifies that an invalid element is replaced by a zero
  • A one specifies that a line containing an invalid element should be deleted


Trim (list)

Trim (table)

Trim (table, remRow)


Trim ([1,2,"Hi",4, 5,"6",7]) =1 2 4 5 6 7


Trim(a,0)= 1 2 3
4 5 0
7 8 9

Trim(a,1)= 1 2 3
7 8 9

Data field based functions

ClrRect Deletes a rectangular area
Clip Limits values of a data field
Count Returns number of elements
Diff Difference values of elements
Dim Number of dimensions of tables
Flat Joins rows of a table
GetAt Value of a specified position
GetRect Returns the specified area
Insert Inserts new elements
Join Join fields together
New Generates a new list
Pick Get selected items from a list
Remove Removes items from a list
Reverse Inverts the order in a list
Scale Converts values to a new scale
SetAt Sets a value at a position
Split Splits a list into sublists
Sum Returns the sum of all elements
Text Generates a text list
Trim Removes invalid values