Reverse function
Invertieren der Reihenfolge in Listen
The Reverse function inverts the order of the elements in the specified list.
With two optional parameters the range to be inverted can be restricted.
Reverse (list)
Reverse (list, index, length)
Reverse(a)= 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Reverse(a,3,3)= 1 2 5 4 3 6 7 8
Data field based functions
ClrRect | Deletes a rectangular area |
Clip | Limits values of a data field |
Count | Returns number of elements |
Diff | Difference values of elements |
Dim | Number of dimensions of tables |
Flat | Joins rows of a table |
GetAt | Value of a specified position |
GetRect | Returns the specified area |
Insert | Inserts new elements |
Join | Join fields together |
New | Generates a new list |
Pick | Get selected items from a list |
Remove | Removes items from a list |
Reverse | Inverts the order in a list |
Scale | Converts values to a new scale |
SetAt | Sets a value at a position |
Split | Splits a list into sublists |
Sum | Returns the sum of all elements |
Text | Generates a text list |
Trim | Removes invalid values |