Results with Prefix
Discription how to display results with Prefix
Prefix mode |
In the prefix mode, the prefix symbol is written in the result instead of an exponent. To do this, select the Prefix option in the format menu on the toolbar. The format menu button is outlined in red in the picture below. For example, if the prefix mode is on, the result will be written 12m for a current of 0.012 amp instead of 12 ∙ 10-3. The m stands for Milli; So here for milliamps. The Prefix auto setting uses the prefix that corresponds to the technical exponent. As described above, m takes 10-3. You can also specify a specific prefix or area. How to preset prefixes read here.
SI PrefixesThe SI prefixes are standardized by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (IBWM) The list below shows the prefixes which RedCrab used |
Y | Yotta | 1024 | | Quadrillion | Septillion | |
Z | Zetta | 1021 | | Trilliarde | Sextillion | |
E | Exa | 1018 | | Trillion | Quintillion | |
P | Peta | 1015 | | Billiarde | Quadrillion | |
T | Tera | 1012 | | Billion | Trillion | |
G | Giga | 109 | | Milliarde | Billion | |
M | Mega | 106 | 1.000.000 | Million | ||
k | Kilo | 103 | 1000 | Thousand | ||
m | Milli | 10-3 | 0,001 | Thousandth | ||
μ | Mikro | 10-6 | 0,000.001 | Millionth | ||
n | Nano | 10-9 | 0,000.000.001 | Milliardth | Billionth | |
p | Piko | 10-12 | 0, | Billionth | Trillionth | |
f | Femto | 10-15 | 0, | Billiardth | Quadrillionth | |
a | Atto | 10-18 | 0, | Trillionth | Quintillionth | |
z | Zepto | 10-21 | 0, | Trilliardth | Sextillionth | |
y | Yokto | 10-24 | 0, | Quadrillionth | Septillionrh | |
Other Result features
General Format | fix point, exponent, prefix e.t.c |
Prefix mode | Results with prefix |
Prefix setting | Select a prefix |
Decimal places | Set the number of decimal places |
Formats | Individual format each variable |
Manage formats | Formats assign to variable names |
Display units | Units of measurements |
Tables | Displaying tables |
Narrator | The narrator |
Speak settings | Change the format |