Prefix Setting

Description of prefix setting of RedCrab Calculator


In the prefix mode, the prefix symbol is written in the result instead of an exponent. Further information can be found in the article here.

The setting Prefix auto uses the prefix that corresponds to the technical exponent. This page describes how to preset certain prefixes.

Prefix Auto Mode

If the Prefix auto mode is used, the prefix is displayed that corresponds to the exponent

In the following example the result of an expression is the distance between two points, the format symbols "#m" displays the result in meters (m)

Prefix Presetting

The displayed result: 3.65Mm (Mega meter) is correct, but unusual. Therefore, in "RedCrab" you can set certain prefixes with the "Prefix" menu

For example, if you choose the prefix "k (kilo)", the result is displayed as below

Prefix Group Setting

RedCrab also has the option to select a group of prefixes or to determine an upper or lower limit

To do this, use the Ctrl key and select the lower limit in the Prefix menu

Then hold the Ctrl key and select the upper limit in the Prefix menu

The example below shows results with the limits "m" (milli) and "k" (kilo)

Other Result features

General Format fix point, exponent, prefix e.t.c
Prefix mode Results with prefix
Prefix setting Select a prefix
Decimal places Set the number of decimal places
Formats Individual format each variable
Manage formats Formats assign to variable names
Display units Units of measurements
Tables Displaying tables
Narrator The narrator
Speak settings Change the format