Circular Angles Calculator

Calculator and formula to calculate circular angles

This calculator is used to calculate the parameters of a circular angle. The central angle µ determines an arc of a circle and its chord length s. The tangent angle θ specifies the angle of the radius and the chord.

From the menu, choose the two parameters you know and enter their values, then click the 'Calculate' button.

Circular Angles Calculator

Decimal places
Angle θ
Angle µ
Radius r
Chord c

Formulas for circular angles

Angle θ

\(\displaystyle θ = \frac{µ}{2}\)

Angle µ

\(\displaystyle µ = arccos\left(\frac{2·r^2-s^2}{2· r^2} \right)\)

Chord s

\(\displaystyle s = \sqrt{2·r^2·(1-cos(µ))}\)

Radius r

\(\displaystyle r = \sqrt{\frac{s^2}{2·(1-cos(µ))}}\)

Angle functions

From Deg, Min, Sec to DecimalFrom Degree to PercentAngle sumSide lengths from angles

Circular functions

AnnulusAnnulus sectorCircleCircular anglesCircular arcsCircular sectorCircular segmentEllipseParabolic archSquaring the Circle

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