Ellipse Calculation

Calculators and formulas for calculating ellipses

This online calculator calculates the permeter and the area of an ellipse.

Enter the two semi-axes a and b. The semi-major axis is the axis from the center to the most distant point of the ellipse, the semi-minor axis is the axis from the center to the closest point of the ellipse. The scope is calculated using an approximation formula that has an error of max. 0.04%.

Ellipse calculator

Radius a
Radius b
Decimal places
Perimeter *)

Formulas for calculating ellipses

Area of an ellipse

\(\displaystyle A = a · b · π\)

Perimeter \(P \)

\(\displaystyle P = π · (a+b) · \left( 1+ \frac{3 · λ^2}{10+\sqrt{4-3*λ^2}}\right) \)
\(\displaystyle λ = \frac{a - b ·}{a+b}\)

*)The scope is determined using an approximation formula that has a maximum error of 0.04%.

Angle functions

From Deg, Min, Sec to DecimalFrom Degree to PercentAngle sumSide lengths from angles

Circular functions

AnnulusAnnulus sectorCircleCircular anglesCircular arcsCircular sectorCircular segmentEllipseParabolic archSquaring the Circle

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