Rhombic Triacontahedron (Triacontahedron)

Calculators and formulas for rhombic triacontahedron (also triacontahedron)

This function calculates various parameters of a rhombic triacontahedron (also triacontahedron). Entering one value is sufficient for the calculation; all others are calculated from it.

A rhombic triacontahedron is a Catalan solid. It has 30 rhombic faces, 32 corners and 60 edges. 12 of the corners are bordered by 5 edges and the remaining 20 corners are bordered by 3 edges.

To calculate a rhombic dodecahedron, select the property you know from the menu and enter its value. Then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Rhombic triacontahedron calculator

Argument type
Argument value
Edge length a
Surface A
Volume V
Midsphere radius RK
Insphere radius RI

Rhombic Triacontahedron

Rhombic Triacontahedron Formulas

Surface (\(\small{S}\))

\(\displaystyle S=12·a^2·\sqrt{5}\)     \(\displaystyle ≈a^2·26.83\)

Volume (\(\small{V}\))

\(\displaystyle V=4· a^3·\sqrt{5+2·\sqrt{5}}\)     \(\displaystyle ≈a^3·12.31\)

Midsphere radius (\(\small{R_K}\))

\(\displaystyle R_K=\frac{a·(5+2·\sqrt{2})}{5}\)     \(\displaystyle ≈a·1.45\)

Insphere radius (\(\small{R_I}\))

\(\displaystyle R_I=a·\sqrt{\frac{5+2·\sqrt{5}}{5}}\)     \(\displaystyle ≈a·1.38\)

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