Calculation range and accuracy
Calculation range and accuracy of the RedCrab Calculator
Floating point |
Accuracy |
15 – 16 digits |
Calculation range |
from ±5 * 10-324 to ±1.7 * 10308 |
Hexadecimal |
12 digits |
Floating point is due to a large range of values suitable for engineering and scientific calculations | ||
Decimal |
Accuracy: |
28-29 significant digits |
Calculation range |
from -79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 |
Is approximate (-7.9 * 1028 to 7.9 * 1028) / (100 to 1028) |
Hexadecimal |
16 digits |
Decimal is suitable due to the small rounding error for financial and monetary calculations |
Other basic features
Introduction | |
Accuracy | CRange and accuracy |
Expressions | Mathematical expressions |
StartCalculation | Execute calculation |
Fraction line | Write a fraction line |
Square roots | Handling of root symbols |
Subscript | How to write subscript |
Superscript | How to write an exponent |
Greek letters | How to write Greek letters |
Prefix | Prefixes instead exponents |
Hex, Oct, Bin | Hex, octal or bin numbers |
Complex numbers | |
Implied multiplication |