Implied Multiplication

Description of implied multiplication in RedCrab Calculator

What is implied multiplication

If no operator is specified between 2 values or variable, the values are multiplied.

Example: is equivalent to 2 ∙ π

Between variables, a space must be set.

Example: 2π f is interpreted as 2 ∙ π ∙ f.

If there are no spaces between a and b, this is considered a variable named ab.

After leading digits, space is not required because names must always begin with letters.

The term 123a can therefore be clearly recognized as 123 ∙ a .




a b c

a ∙ b ∙ c


3 ∙ a


2 ∙ XL


R1 ∙R2


2 ∙ abc

Other basic features

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Complex numbers
Implied multiplication