Complex numbers

RedCrab Calculator and Complex numbers

Complex numbers basics

Available in RedCrab PLUS

  • A complex number is expressed in the form 2+2i. The i after the second number marks the complex number imaginary part.

  • The usual rules for real numbers can be applied to complex numbers.

  • All trigonometric and logarithmic functions and the functions Abs, Power, Sqrt and Sqr work with complex numbers
  • Complex numbers in lists or tables must be written in brackets.

The following example shows the definition of a 2x2 matrix and its use as an argument in different functions.


Functions of complex numbers:

Re gets the real component of a complex number
Im gets the imaginary component of a complex number
Arg gets the angle of a complex number
Imag change a real number to a imaginary number
Complex converted a complex number from two real numbers.
Magnitude gets the magnitude (or absolute value) of a complex number
FromPolar creates a complex number from a point's polar coordinates
Conjugate computes the conjugate of a complex number

Other basic features

Accuracy CRange and accuracy
Expressions Mathematical expressions
StartCalculation Execute calculation
Fraction line Write a fraction line
Square roots Handling of root symbols
Subscript How to write subscript
Superscript How to write an exponent
Greek letters How to write Greek letters
Prefix Prefixes instead exponents
Hex, Oct, Bin Hex, octal or bin numbers
Complex numbers
Implied multiplication