Hex, Octal and Binary numbers

How to write Hexadecimal, Octal and Binary numbers in RedCrab Calculator

Hex, Octal and Binary input


  • The hexadecimal numbers must be marked with a dollar symbol

  • The use of small or capital letters is allowed

  • Maximum 13 digits

  • Excample: $1F2A or $1f2a


  • Octal numbers are marked with the dollar symbol and the letters oct

  • Maximum 20 digits

  • Excample: $oct3721


  • Binary numbers are marked with the dollar symbol and the letters bin

  • Maximum 62 digits

  • Excample: $bin110101

Other basic features

Accuracy CRange and accuracy
Expressions Mathematical expressions
StartCalculation Execute calculation
Fraction line Write a fraction line
Square roots Handling of root symbols
Subscript How to write subscript
Superscript How to write an exponent
Greek letters How to write Greek letters
Prefix Prefixes instead exponents
Hex, Oct, Bin Hex, octal or bin numbers
Complex numbers
Implied multiplication