Sine pulse rms value (full-wave rectification)

Calculator and formula for calculating the rms and mean value of a sine pulse

This function calculates the rms value and the mean value of a sine pulse from a two-way rectification.

Enter the value of the peak voltage for calculation. A value of 100 is preset. The effective value and the mean value are calculated.

Sine pulse rms calculator

Decimal places
Mean voltage

Formula for the sine pulse

The rms value is defined as a DC voltage value with the same thermal effect as the specified AC voltage It is calculated for sine pulses from a full-wave rectification using the following formula:

\(\displaystyle U_{rms}=\frac{U_p}{\sqrt{2}}\)

The mean value of the voltage is:

\(\displaystyle U_m=\frac{2 · U_p}{π}\)


\(\displaystyle U_p\)

Peak voltage

\(\displaystyle U_{rms}\)

Effective voltage

\(\displaystyle U_m\)

Mean voltage

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