Gyrobifastigium Calculation

Calculators and formulas for a gyrobifastigium (Johnson solid J26)

The sides of the gyrobifastigium are bounded by four squares and four equilateral triangles. All edges have the same length. The pentagonal cupola is one of the Johnson solids (J26).

To perform the calculation select the property you know from the menu and enter its value. Then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Gyrobifastigium Calculator

Decimal places
Edge length a
Volume V
Surface area S
Height h


Gyrobifastigium Formulas

Volum (\(\small{V}\))

\(\displaystyle V=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} ·a^3 \;\;\;\;≈ 0.866 ·a^3\)

Surface area (\(\small{S}\))

\(\displaystyle S=(4 + \sqrt{3}) · a^2\;\;\;\;≈ 5.732 ·a^2\)

Height (\(\small{h}\))

\(\displaystyle h=\sqrt{3} · a\;\;\;\;≈1.732 ·a \)

Square PyramidPentagonal PyramidTriangular CupolaSquare CupolaPentagonal CupolaRotundaElongated Triangular PyramidElongated Square PyramidElongated Pentagonal PyramidTriangular BipyramidPentagonal BipyramidElongated Square BipyramidGyrobifastigiumGyroelongated Square DipyramidSnub Disphenoid

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