Chart Options
Description of the Chart Options settings
The "Chart settings" button opens a dialog to change the chart options. |
TitleIn "Title text" you can insert a chart box headline. Additionally you can change the text size and colour. |
BorderDetermines the border width and colour. |
BackgroundBackground colour setting. |
Cross lineDisplays crosslines at the null positions of axes. |
View 3DEnable or disable 3D design. 3D: |
2D: |
ShadowEnable or disable the plot area shadow. |
ScrollbarsEnables a scrollbar. The scrollbar is only visible if the chart contains a large amount of data points. |
ZoomToggles the zoom feature on or off. |
LabelShows or hides labels at the data points. |
AxisShows or hides axes. |
MarkerShows or hides markers at the data points. on: off: |
LightingEnables or disables the lighting effect. on: off: |
Light weightDeactivates some features to provide performance boost for large number of data points. |
ThemeThere are 5 built-in themes provided with different features. |
ZoomEnabled or disabled the zoom feature. If the zoom ist switched on, the x-axis displays a scrollbar for chart moving and scaling. |
See also:
Chart Box,
Chart Legend,
Chart Type,
Chart X-Axes,
Chart Y-Axes
Other graphics and design
Charts | Displays results graphically |
Chart types | Choose the chart type |
Chart legend | Change the chart legend |
Chart x-axis | Change chart x-axis settings |
Chart y-axis | Change chart y-axis settings |
Chart options | Change the chart options |
Text | Insert text or a text file in a text box |
Image | Insert images from clipboard or files |
Slider | Insert a slider as a variable |
Label | Insert label in chart oder image |
Plot | Insert a plot box |
Tables | Display of tables |
Print the worksheet |