Chart Options

Description of the Chart Options settings

Chart Options

The "Chart settings" button opens a dialog to change the chart options.


In "Title text" you can insert a chart box headline. Additionally you can change the text size and colour.


Determines the border width and colour.


Background colour setting.

Cross line

Displays crosslines at the null positions of axes.

View 3D

Enable or disable 3D design.



Enable or disable the plot area shadow.


Enables a scrollbar. The scrollbar is only visible if the chart contains a large amount of data points.


Toggles the zoom feature on or off.


Shows or hides labels at the data points.


Shows or hides axes.


Shows or hides markers at the data points.

on: off:


Enables or disables the lighting effect.

on: off:

Light weight

Deactivates some features to provide performance boost for large number of data points.


There are 5 built-in themes provided with different features. 


Enabled or disabled the zoom feature. If the zoom ist switched on, the x-axis displays a scrollbar for chart moving and scaling.

See also: Chart Box,   Chart Legend,   Chart Type,   Chart X-Axes,   Chart Y-Axes

Other graphics and design

Charts Displays results graphically
Chart types Choose the chart type
Chart legend Change the chart legend
Chart x-axis Change chart x-axis settings
Chart y-axis Change chart y-axis settings
Chart options Change the chart options
Text Insert text or a text file in a text box
Image Insert images from clipboard or files
Slider Insert a slider as a variable
Label Insert label in chart oder image
Plot Insert a plot box
Tables Display of tables
Print Print the worksheet