Solid Angles in Steradian

Calculators and formula for calculating the solid angles in steradian

With this calculator the solid angle can be calculated as part of a spherical surface. The three-dimensional solid angle is the ratio of the area cut out (calotte) to the square of the radius of a cone cut out of a sphere.

The unit of measurement for the solid angle in the International System of Units is the steradian (unit symbol sr).

Enter the known values, then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Solid angle calculator

 What should be calculated?
Calotte area A Solid angle Ω
Sphere radius r Calotte area A
Decimal places
Calotte area A Solid angle Ω Sphere radius r

Solid angle

Solid angle formula

\(\displaystyle Ω = \frac{A}{r^2}\)

You can find more information about the solid angle at Wikipedia

Round solids functions

SphereSpherical capSpherical sectorSpherical segmentSpherical ringSpherical wedgeSpherical cornerSpheroidTriaxial ellipsoidEllipsoid volumeSpherical shellSolid anglesTorusSpindle torusOloidElliptic Paraboloid

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