Triaxial Ellipsoid Calculation

Calculators and formulas for calculating the volume and surface area of a triaxial ellipsoid

This function calculates the volume and surface area of a triaxial ellipsoid. In the case of a triaxial ellipsoid, in addition to the elliptical length, there is also the Equator not circular, but elliptical. The triaxial ellipsoid is therefore not an ellipsoid of revolution and has three different semi-axes a, b and c.

To calculate the triaxial ellipsoid, enter the lengths of the three semi-axes. Then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Triaxial Ellipsoid calculator

Semi axis a
Semi axis b
Semi axis c
Decimal places
Volume V
Surface area *) S
triaxial ellipsoid

Formulas for the triaxial ellipsoid

Volume (\(\small{V}\))

\(\displaystyle V=\frac{4}{3} ·π · a·b·c\)

Surface area) (\(\small{S}\))

\(\displaystyle S ≈ 4π \left( \frac{a^P·b^P+a^P·c^P+b^P· c^P}{3} \right)^{1/P} \)

\(\displaystyle P=1.6075 \)

*) The surface area is calculated using Knud Thomsen's approximation formula with a maximum error of 1.061%.

Round solids functions

SphereSpherical capSpherical sectorSpherical segmentSpherical ringSpherical wedgeSpherical cornerSpheroidTriaxial ellipsoidEllipsoid volumeSpherical shellSolid anglesTorusSpindle torusOloidElliptic Paraboloid

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