Spherical Shell Calculation

Calculator and formulas for calculating a spherical shell

A spherical shell (also called hollow sphere) is made up of a sphere and a sphere contained therein. smaller spherical cavity.

To calculate the spherical shell, select the two parameters in the menus that are known to you and enter their values. Then click on the button 'Calculate'.

Spherical Shell Calculator

Decimal places
Shell volume
Shell surface

spherical shell

Formulas for the spherical shell

Thickness (\(\small{a}\))

\(\displaystyle a = R - r\)

Shell surface (\(\small{S}\))

\(\displaystyle S= 4 \cdot π \cdot ( R^2 + r^2 ) \)

Shell volume (\(\small{V}\))

\(\displaystyle V= \frac{4}{3} \cdot π \cdot (R^3 - r^3 )\)

Round solids functions

SphereSpherical capSpherical sectorSpherical segmentSpherical ringSpherical wedgeSpherical cornerSpheroidTriaxial ellipsoidEllipsoid volumeSpherical shellSolid anglesTorusSpindle torusOloidElliptic Paraboloid

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