Spindle Torus Calculation

Calculator and formulas for calculating a spindle torus

In the spindle torus, the distance from the center of the tube to the center of the torus is smaller than the radius of the tube. The spindle torus therefore has no hole in the middle but only an indentation.

To calculate the spindle torus, enter the radius of the tube r and the distance from the center of the tube to the center of the torus. Then click on the 'Calculate' button

Spindle Torus Calculator

Distance R
Radius r
Decimal places
Inner height r
Torus breadth b
Volume V
spindle torus
spindle torus

Formulas for the spindle torus

Torus breadth (\(\small{b}\))

\(\displaystyle b = 2 \cdot (R + r)\)

Inner height (\(\small{h}\))

\(\displaystyle h = 2 \cdot \sqrt{r^2 - R^2}\)

Volume (\(\small{V}\))

\(\displaystyle V = \frac{2}{3} \cdot π \cdot ( 2\cdot r^2 + R^2) \cdot \sqrt{r^2 - R^2}\) \(\displaystyle +\ π \cdot r^2 \cdot R \cdot \left(π + 2\cdot atan\left(\frac{R}{\sqrt{r^2 - R^2}}\right)\right)\)

Round solids functions

SphereSpherical capSpherical sectorSpherical segmentSpherical ringSpherical wedgeSpherical cornerSpheroidTriaxial ellipsoidEllipsoid volumeSpherical shellSolid anglesTorusSpindle torusOloidElliptic Paraboloid

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