Convert the display format of a number
Convert hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary numbers in various formats.
With this function, an integer number is converted into different formats. The number can be entered in the formats hexadecimal, decimal, octal or binary.
The result is displayed in the formats hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary.
Number Systems
Decimal numbers
A decimal number is a number whose value is represented by the decimal digits 0 to 9. They are used in the decimal system, which has a base of 10. They are a fundamental concept in mathematics and everyday life.
A property of decimal numbers is that they can not only represent whole numbers, but also intermediate values. To do this, a decimal symbol (point or comma in German-speaking countries) is added to the right of the ones place. Additional decimal digits can then be assigned to represent the non-integer portion.
Hexadecimal numbers
The hexadecimal system (sedecimal system) uses base 16 and has sixteen digits to represent numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. The numbers 0 to 9 correspond to the decimal values, while the letters A to F represent additional values. For example, A represents 10, B represents 11, C represents 12, and so on.
Hexadecimal numbers are often prefixed, e.g. E.g. 0x72 or $72. The hexadecimal system provides an efficient way to represent binary numbers, especially in the world of computers and programming.
Octal numbers
The octal system (eight system) uses base 8 and has eight digits to represent a number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. The digits in the octal system have the same value as in the decimal system. When counting in the octal system, the carryover has already taken place after 7; This is followed by the octal 10, which corresponds to the decimal value 8.
The octal system has applications in computing, where each octal digit can be represented by three bits. It is also used to represent file access rights under Unix.
Binary numbers
Binary numbers are the basis for almost all modern computers and digital systems. They are used in the binary system, which only knows the digits 0 and 1. In contrast to the decimal system, the binary system is limited to these two digits.
In the binary system, the digits are written one after the other without separators. For example, 1011 in the binary system corresponds to the decimal number 11.
The binary system forms the basis for processing information in computers and other electronic devices.
IT Functions
Decimal, Hex, Bin, Octal conversion • Shift bits left or right • Set a bit • Clear a bit • Bitwise AND • Bitwise OR • Bitwise exclusive ORSpecial functions
Airy • Derivative Airy • Bessel-I • Bessel-Ie • Bessel-J • Bessel-Je • Bessel-K • Bessel-Ke • Bessel-Y • Bessel-Ye • Spherical-Bessel-J • Spherical-Bessel-Y • Hankel • Beta • Incomplete Beta • Incomplete Inverse Beta • Binomial Coefficient • Binomial Coefficient Logarithm • Erf • Erfc • Erfi • Erfci • Fibonacci • Fibonacci Tabelle • Gamma • Inverse Gamma • Log Gamma • Digamma • Trigamma • Logit • Sigmoid • Derivative Sigmoid • Softsign • Derivative Softsign • Softmax • Struve • Struve table • Modified Struve • Modified Struve table • Riemann ZetaHyperbolic functions
ACosh • ACoth • ACsch • ASech • ASinh • ATanh • Cosh • Coth • Csch • Sech • Sinh • TanhTrigonometrische Funktionen
ACos • ACot • ACsc • ASec • ASin • ATan • Cos • Cot • Csc • Sec • Sin • Sinc • Tan • Degree to Radian • Radian to Degree